Greenhouse Gardening 101: Considerations for Year-Round Greenhouse Growing

Here are 5 things you need to consider if you want to plant year round in a greenhouse.

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Poindexter and Morning Chores
Updated on November 7, 2024
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by Adobestock/Robb

Learn greenhouse gardening 101 and get five tips and considerations for greenhouse gardening basics.

A greenhouse can offer a lot to your household. You can get a head start on the growing season, have out of season flowers and vegetables, and it’s a great hobby to help spend long days.

But, can you plant year round in a greenhouse? Many people believe they can grow anything anytime when they just got their own greenhouse. You can, but that’s not always the case. Sure, it depends on what you’re planting in the first place. But, it also depends on the greenhouse itself and how you plant it.

Greenhouse Gardening 101

Here are 5 things you need to consider if you want to plant year round in a greenhouse.

1. Greenhouse Gardening Basics: Building Materials

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